As many adults know, the night before Thanksgiving is a big party night.  People head out to their local bars and restaurants to meet up with family and friends.

Did you know that the night before Thanksgiving is actually considered the #1 drinking night of the year?  It’s true.  Thanksgiving Eve tops New Years Eve, St. Patrick’s Day, and the Fourth of July.  It makes sense when you consider that most people have Thanksgiving day off of work, and many high school reunions are planned around the long weekend.  Add to this that most people do not want to cook the night before preparing a Thanksgiving feast and you have the perfect combination for filling up the bars after sunset.

According to the US Department of Transportation 92% of travel during the Thanksgiving weekend is by car.  Being the busiest bar night of the year, and with most of the travel being done by car, Thanksgiving Eve has the unfortunate reputation of being one of the busiest nights of the year for alcohol-impaired drivers.  In 2011, the latest statistical year — over 800 people lost their lives due to alcohol-impaired car accidents during the holiday season.

If you are going out the night before Thanksgiving, make sure you have a designated driver, or the number for a cab company in your phone.  If you are not going out this year, offer to pick up friends who are.  Don’t ruin a fun occasion by making the decision to drink and drive.  No amount of money or inconvenience is worth it.

LaMarche Safranko Law has sponsored the public service announcement on radio stations B95.9 and 100.9 The Cat to help spread the word about safe driving. Be safe and happy Thanksgiving.

PSA 100.9 The Cat

PSA B95.9